Year: 2020
Measurements: 24 x 15 x 10 cm
Technique/materials: Handmoulded porcelain, nylon fabric, cotton thread
About the artist
Daniela Bergschneider (b. 1986 in Paderborn, Germany) lives and works in Bergen. She has a Bachelor of Arts (Fashion-Textile-Design and Linguistics) from University of Paderborn (2012), Master of Arts (Textiledesign) from University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg (2015), and Master of Fine Arts from University of Bergen, The Art Academy, Norway (2020). Bergschneider has participated in several exhibitions in Norway and abroad, including ‘Contextile 2018’ in Portugal, ‘Exempla 2019’, Munich International Crafts Fair, Munich, Germany, ‘Hybridia’ (2020) at Soft Gallery in Oslo, ‘Årsutstillingen 2020’ at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum in Tromsø, ‘Årsutstillingen 2021’ at Sørlandets Kunstmuseum in Kristiansand and ‘MA2020’, KODE Museum, Bergen. She also works as a lecturer at the Art Academy in Bergen and University of Paderborn.
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